Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today is just so surreal!  We got our call for our little lady; she is 2 months old,healthy, and absolutly breath taking!   Everyone always seems to want to know about the call so hear it is...

Jon had my cell phone today becasue the battery kept losing power so he took it back to the cell place.  I had not realized he put his in my car so neither of us had our cells.  Next apparently I had given a fax number on our application so Sharon called that number and could not reach me.  Then Jon was volunteerring at a place called Project CURE so he was not at work to receive the call.  When Jon got to work he got the message from Sharon saying she would like to speak to us but she would be in a meeting till 1:00 her time, 12:00 my time and then she would be leaving for the day at 2:00 her time, 1:00 my time.  We got this message at 12:45 our time so as you can imagine our frantic call to Sharon.

Unfortunately we got her voice mail.  I was so afraid we would not get her before 1:00 our time and we would have to wait till Thursday to know what she wanted.  I went home to get my son off the bus (he had a short day) then my phone rang and it was Jon and Sharon.  She told us we had a baby girl and that she was just beautiful (understatement) and that she was healthy, the rest is a blurr.  The boys are IN LOVE; they want her to sleep in their batman bed.  We have talked about changing the name we had picked (Hasina) to something else, so we asked the boys and so far GIRL BUZZ LIGHTYEAR is the front runner.

My house has been grand central station with all the calls and I can't seem to get this smile off my face :o)  Now the real wait begins!


Autumn and Dan's family said...

Congratulaions! We got our referral today also! Feels great, doesn't it?

Sam's mom said...

I LOVE hearing (or reading) the stories of referral!!! Some day (ETA July or August) that will be the DeZutti clan!
What does Hasina mean? I think it's just a beautiful name. But I'm also a big fan of Sade these days, although it's Nigerian, not Amharic.

Justine said...

Congratulations to you and your family. What a wonderful day! Can't wait to see a photo of this beautiful little baby girl.

Mom to many said...

Oh Congrats - I love hearing about those phone calls - brings back memories for me. That day was wonderful and full of joy! I remember feeling like I was run over by a truck at night -- just so much emotion for one day! Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Jon and Robin - congratulations on your referral. I am very, very happy for your family! I'm looking forward to reading more about her and seeing her photo when it's time! Sincere congratulations! Casey (Brown) Anderson

Annie said...

What a wonderful day! It certainly does feel so surreal. Congratulations! can't wait to follow the rest of your journey :)

Shawn and Amelia said...

Congratulations!! HERE is the news I keep checking in for :0) Can't wait to hear all about your baby girl.

Missy said...

Big congrats!! Hoping for a quick court date for you!!

Brandy said...

We are so happy for you guys!! Can't wait to meet her!! Miss you guys.... :)

Julie said...

Congratulations on your referral!! We received our referral for a 2 month old baby girl on 11/20! So exciting, and very surreal.
I love the Buzz Lightyear comment from your little boy as my son told me when I asked him what we should name baby sister---Darth Vader!

Anonymous said...

i have been out of town and this was the first chance i had to sit down and read the story!!

yippee...congrats! i am so very excited for you guys! i love how your day played out...makes for a good story :)

can't wait to see her sweet face!

Sandi said...

That is so great!!! Congratulations!