Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two weeks till court

I am going crazy! I just want some guarantee that everything is going to go well at court. I feel so out of control. Oh wait I am so out of control! I have given up Diet coke, Red Hots, and I am not going to read the 4Th Twilight book till we are on the plane to Ethiopia. I figure this is something I can control. I know I know I'm losing it! Please keep all those prayers coming and those fingers and toes crossed. Thank you you all are the best :o)

Thought I would post some pictures of the boys hard at work... Honest they like to help!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Please say a little prayer for Abby. Her blog is to the left with a picture she is going through the toughest part of her chemo right now and is really in need of some positive thoughts and prayers. Thank you

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is it Feb 10 yet?

One thing about this process that I really am not a big fan of is the way I want time to go faster. Everything during this time is a wait so you are always wishing time to past quickly; I really dislike this part. I can not wait to finally have her in my arms and in our forever home so that I can go back to enjoying every second of everyday instead of wishing for it to pass... Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed time with my family and friends this year but I always had in the back of my mind how much longer. I work with a group of doctors in Internal Medicine which if you didn't know is mostly elderly. The Patients tell me all the time how time just flies by and then you are old and and the kids are grown and you don't know when it all happened. That is why I am so anxious to get our life back with our brilliant addition, and I know it will all be worth the wait in the end. I just wish I was better at just letting things be and letting things work out how they are suppose to instead of worrying every second of everyday about what we need to happen next. Lets just hope after we are through this process I can use my magic powers to slow time down :o)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

She's a Keeper

So many of you know that we lost our beloved Joey this summer; he was an eleven year old short hair black cat. We had him and our cat Stormy since the year Jon and I got married 1997. Our family is still heart broken over the loss even though Joey was kind of a bad cat we still LOVED him. After he died of a heart condition we decided no more pets till the boys were older, Stormy was it. Well about a month ago I was home alone (doesn't happen often) making jewelry sitting looking out the window and I saw our neighbor's big black cat walking along our adobe wall in the back. I usually would chase him off because Stormy gets very upset about other cats, but I really liked seeing a black cat again so I let him lay there so I could watch him. After he left I heard a very tiny meow outside. I thought OH NO when I looked I saw a kitten probably 6 months old there. I chased her off 3 times and when Jon got home I asked if I could bring her in the garage for the night. He was apprehensive till he saw her and then he let her in. We then took her to the vet about three days later because she didn't seem to want to leave and I did not want a sick cat around Stormy; she was negative for all the bad stuff so we decided to try and introduce her to Stormy. Let's just say they tolerate each other. I decided to have her spayed so that at least if she left and came back she would not come back pregnant. That was two weeks ago and I guess we have decided to keep her. I really like her; she is very sweet and playful a little jumpy about the kids but I would be too :o)The kids decided on Pepper as her name since she looks a lot like the seasoning. The boys asked the Vet what kind of cat she was and I laughed but the Vet actually told them she is a short hair tiger cat. Anyway sorry so long I guess I was in the mood to type!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Today we just lounged around and then we decided to go to a park. The park we found was awesome. It was right next to the Bosque so we got to throw rocks in the river and look for cool ones to add to our rock collections. The boys are really looking forward to doing all these things with their sister when she gets here. Looks like the pole for a name is very close. FYI Hasina means good and beautiful in Africa... Not trying to sway anyone but the boys are definitely digging it ;o)
